Transparency is key to everything we do here at FLATSQUARE. That's why we have this Finance Reports page: to show you exactly how we manage, how much we earn from donations, ads, sponsorships, and any other source - and where we spend it.

Income over time:

Absolutely all of our finances are shown here, generated directly from our bank feeds.

54500 INR (652 USD)
68340 INR (825.94 USD)
83450 INR (1008.56 USD)
AdSence & Outsource 2020-2022 Dec
58645 INR (708.77 USD)


Absolutely all of our finances are shown here, generated directly from our bank feeds.

Web Hosting 2020- 2025 *(Staff Salaries)
35600 INR (430.25 USD)
Software Licences
20270 INR (245 USD)
Internet 2020-2022 Dec
13500 INR (163.16 USD)
Staff Salaries